1. Personal Particulars.
-Name: Chipongo, Gaudens Baldwin.
-DOB: 25/10/1954.
-Nationality: Tanzanian.
-Marital Status: Married with four children.
– Languages: Kiswahili, English.
-Physical Address: Hse # 192 Kawe Rd, Kawe DSM.
– Mobile/ e- mail: 0754293743. neperu@gmail.com
2. Education.
– 1986–1989: BSc (FST) SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania.
-1977–1980: Advanced Diploma in Meat Technology, Institute of Meat.(UK)
-Diploma in Food and Meat Hygiene (Royal Institute of Public Health & Hygiene, UK)
-Diploma in Dairy Hygiene (RIPHH, UK)
– Certificate in Meat Inspection, (Royal Society of Health, RSH UK.)
3. Specialised Training.
-1993 One month training in processed meat technology at China Meat Research Centre, Beijing, China.
– 1985: 3 months FAO fellowship to New Zealand for practical training on By-products utilization from livestock, abattoir & felmongery at Canterbury Frozen Meat Co Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand.
– 1994–2012, Founding
Member and Chairperson of Tanzania Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (TAFST).
5. Key Qualifications.
– Immense hands on knowledge of applications of science and technology in handling, preservation and processing agro based food products inclusive of livestock and fish. Over 30 years practical experience in the food industry especially at Tanganyika Packers Limited where I worked as Factory Manager for six years. Adequate technical knowledge on small scale food related business Management.
6. Professional Consultances:
-2015: Provided an expert advice on Sunflower seed oil extraction and Site Registration by TFDA and TBS at Image Farm # 5 plant at Ilula, Iringa.
2011–2014 Worked with M/S Frostan Ltd of DSM as Site Manager overseeing fresh meat/ products importation and registration with TFDA, TBS and Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission.
– 1996–2009: Worked with Tanzania Breweries Ltd as Supervisor.
-2003: Provided expert advice on abattoir layout and operations to M/S Rindi & Associates Ltd of DSM and also provided consultancy services on abattoir construction and operations to M/S Hainan International Ltd of DSM vide Project ADF/TAN/LVS/92/27 under the then Ministry of Water and Livestock Development.
Date: 22/1/2025.